Light Stealer

Light Stealer

People: Gavin Zimmerman
Timeline: Jun 4th 2021
Focus: Single-player Mini-Game; Game jam
Tech: Roblox
Link: Game Link

Table of Contents

Light Stealer


Light stealer is a scenic mini-game where the player seeks to munch out all the lighting and plunge the city into darkness.

It was developed in 4 hours from scratch (map, scripting, lighting, ui) for a game jam. The game jam required the theme 'You are the Monster' and I decided to project this from a non-monstrous perspective. The ball of energy you play as is simply hungry and eats light - but the citizens of the city see it otherwise.

I'm happy to say I placed 2nd for solo teams.

Controls & movement

Once the game is started the player is constantly moving forward in the direction of their camera. This allows easy support across platforms, while keeping movement intuitive but slightly challenging.

Dynamic Lighting

As the player fulfills their objective and consumes light the world lighting is decreased, the object is removed, and the player is rewarded in speed. Once all light is consumed the game ends - the playable ball of energy disappears and the camera is locked looking upon a darkened world.